Healthy Forests for Healthy People

Healthy Forests for Healthy People

As one way of commemorating the International Day of Forests themed 'Healthy Forests for Healthy People', Speaking at the event, Honourable Dr. Usi said the NMU will help the Department of Forestry to develop, institutionalize and implement data collection tools, technologies, management systems, and to inform forest planning, management and monitoring.

"Let me assure USA and UK Governments that the Government of Malawi will put the facility and equipment to good use so that we can manage our forest resources sustainably for the present and future generations," said Honourable Dr. Usi.

The NMU has been established at the Department of Forestry courtesy of USAID and UKaid through the co-funded Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests Activity and has assorted equipment including hardware, software, forestry tools, and furniture valued at more than 67 million Kwacha.

Some of the dignitaries present at the inauguration included USAID/Malawi Acting Mission Director Dr. Anna Tonnes, Deputy High Commissioner and head of FODC Ms. Olympia Brobby, Director of Administration in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change Mr. Hillary Namainja, Deputy Directors of Forestry Mr. Francis Chilimampunga and Mr. Titus Zulu, MCHF Chief of Party Mr. Ramzy Kanaan, and President of the Association of Environmental Journalists in Malawi Mr. Mathews Malata.

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