Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ`s)

QUESTION 1: What documents are required for an export licence or export permit?
ANSWER: The Department of Forestry issues Forest Produce Export Licences and Permits to individuals wishing to export forest products from Malawi to another country. This is centrally done at DoF headquarters in Lilongwe. The following documents are required before an export licence is issued:
  • Business Registration Certificate (Issued by the Registrar of Companies and Businesses)
  • Tax Clearance Certificate from the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA), or MRA Certificate which indicates registration for Tax (Tax Payers Identification Number-TPIN).
  • Verifiable Source of the forest products which individuals wish to export. Usually, we recommend that individuals get a written letter from the nearest forest office such as District Forest Office, or Extension Planning Area office where the forest product originated.
QUESTION 2: What is the procedure for getting a forest concession?
QUESTION 3: How much is a wood export licence/permit; where can I get one?
QUESTION 4: Where can I find tree seeds?
QUESTION 5: Does the Department of Forestry issue charcoal licences or is all charcoal prohibited?
QUESTION 6: What happens to charcoal and other forest products which are confiscated and impounded by the Department of Forestry?